How can Atypical Zebra help you?

  • School Support

    Many neurodivergent families have accepted school as a necessary evil, along with anxiety, boredom, behavior problems and general unhappiness for all involved.

    What if we could create neurodiversity-affirming learning environments? What if we could provide useful, meaningful professional development and collaboration with school teams to better understand and support our children?

    We can. Atypical Zebra offers:

    -Individual consultations with students to develop personal agency in school settings

    -IEP review, explanation and recommendations

    -Student observations and customized collaboration with student support teams

    -Guided investigations of alternatives to traditional schooling.

  • Autism 101-Introduction

    For many individuals and families, diagnosis is the answer at the end of a list of questions. But for most, there are new questions. Atypical Zebra can help you to sort through all the advice, information and guidance to determine what suits you and the life you want to live.

    AND, this may seem obvious, but…

    Autistic children grow up. Supports for autistic and neurodivergent adults can often be hard to find, especially if you are looking for a very specific kind of help. This is Atypical Zebra’s specialty—tell me what you want to do, and I can help you to map a way to get there.